Saturday, October 30, 2010

Even closer to the end

With the exception of a few things like sanding of the soapstone and adding knobs/poles to the cabinet doors, our kitchen is practically done. And we are absolutely in love with it!

Friday, October 22, 2010

sooo close....

Today the stove, dishwasher, half the recessed lights, the sink, and the fridge (despite the minor setback of it being stuck at the moment) is now fully functional.  Holy Batman, Robin.  We are so close to being done. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

FINALLY, a new update

We had an issue with our counter tops, initially, so they were sitting half assembled on our cabinets.  I waited until now, with the counter tops complete....well at least mostly (touch up stuff gets done next week), to post pics.  Things will really start moving along to the finish line now.  I suppose you could call this recent portion of the renovation "heartbreak hill".  (Boston reference)